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LibraZiK-3 configuration
(Version française / French version)


Many optimizations are pre-enabled by LibraZiK-3, including pre-configurations regarding system latency and various things related to computer aided music.

There are however a few other little things (described below) that you might find interesting to configure your LibraZiK-3 system to your liking.

This tutorial was reviewed in December 2019 on LibraZiK-3.



General theme

The theme may not be fully completed. To correct this, right-click on the desktop and select “Change desktop background”. Then go to the “Theme” tab and choose the “LibraZiK-3” theme. You can then close this window.

pluma's theme

Pluma has a not very convenient default theme and it is therefore advisable to change it. To do so, run pluma then: pluma's menu → Edit → Preferences → Font and colors → Color set and choose here “Oblivion” which fits well with the general theme of LibraZiK.


By default, when you start the machine, you will be asked for a username and password for a user. Here are 2 commonly used possibilities depending on whether the system is used by one or several people.

Login automatically

If your computer is intended to serve only one user (you, for example), you may find it tedious to enter this information each time it starts up. You can therefore configure your system to log in to a user account auto-magically. To do so, follow these instructions:

  1. open a terminal: Menu → Applications → System Tools → MATE Terminal
  2. type this command line: pluma /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf (as admin account)
  3. look for a line beginning with #autologin-user=. Warning, there are 2 similar ones, one around line 83 and one around line 126. It is the latter occurrence (line 126) that you need to modify.
  4. add the identifier of your user after the equal sign “=” (example: autologin-user=name-of-your-user)
  5. uncomment the line by removing the hash sign “#”
  6. save your file
  7. exit pluma then close the terminal
  8. restart your machine for the modification to take effect

When you restart your machine, you will be logged in automatically.

Propose a list of users

If your computer is intended to be used by several users (music school for example), you may find it useful to have a list of users to choose from. You can configure your system to offer this list on the login screen. To do so, follow these instructions:

  1. open a terminal: Menu → Applications → System Tools → MATE Terminal
  2. type this command line: pluma /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf (as admin account)
  3. look for a line beginning with #greeter-hide-users=. Warning, there are two similar ones, one around line 66 and one around line 109. It is the latter occurrence (line 109) that you need to modify.
  4. uncomment the line by removing the hash sign “#”, the line should then be: greeter-hide-users=false.
  5. save your file
  6. exit pluma then close the terminal
  7. restart your machine for the modification to take effect

When you restart your machine, you will have a list on the identification screen.

Configure your web browser

We'll go read the browser documentation Firefox.


Additional software for LibraZiK-3

To complete your installation with all the software supported by LibraZiK-3, you might want to install these packages:

  • librazik-logiciels-all: set of additional computer aided music software,
  • librazik-banquesdeson-all: set of sound banks in SF2, SF3, SFZ, and GIG formats.

Microcode for processor

You might also want to install (if you haven't already done so) one of these 2 non-free firmware packages (from the non-free section): intel-microcode or amd64-microcode which allow to correct errors in the behavior of the intel or amd processors.

To find out the make and model of your processor without opening your machine, you can use the lshw-gtk software.

For more information about firmware, see this page of the debian wiki.

Microcode for graphics cards

You might also want to install (if you haven't already) the non-free firmware package (from the non-free section): firmware-amd-graphics which allows to correct behavior errors of some amd graphics cards.

To find out the brand of your graphics card without opening your machine, you can use the lshw-gtk software.

For more information about firmware, see this page of the debian wiki.

Specific installation for certain audio and/or MIDI interfaces

Some audio and/or MIDI interfaces require firmware to be loaded on a hardware chip in order to work. Since some of those firmware are not free software (they comes from the “contrib” or “non-free” categories), you can install the alsa-firmware, alsa-firmware-loaders, madfuload, midisport-firmware and firmware-linux-nonfree packages yourself (if you haven't already done so), which allow automatic loading of those firmware. You'll need to install these packages from the “contrib” or “non-free” categories.

Specific installation for some Wifi internet interfaces

Some internet interfaces, mainly Wifi interfaces, require specific drivers to be loaded in order to work.

Interfaces using free drivers are already installed and configured in LibraZiK-3. However, other interfaces use non-free drivers which, not being free software, are not installed directly by LibraZiK-3.

To install such drivers, you will need to enable the “contrib” and/or “non-free” categories 1) .

Possible installation of another "normal", "low-latency" or "real-time" kernel

It is very very very advisable to install a kernel optimized for computer aided music made by LibraZiK. You'll find those because they have: LZK-BL (LZK low latency) or LZK-RT (LZK real time) in their names. The LZK-BL is the one recommended by LibraZiK.

Cleaning non-free packages

This will be covered in the LibraZiK-3 and free software page of the manual.

Entering in your LibraZiK-3 environment

This is the end of the installation and configuration of your Studio Audio LibraZiK-3. Now that this is complete, you can reboot your system one last time to take over the last changes made to the system by this page and you will be logged back into your session. To do this: top menu → System → Shut Down… → Restart.

See you soon 8-)

… and bim! Welcome to your LibraZiK-3 work environment ;-)

If you are new to LibraZiK-3, you'll probably want to go read the manual now.
depending on your hardware and the associated driver
manuel/configuration/en.txt · Dernière modification : 19/11/2020 21:09 de trebmuh