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The Frequently Asked Questions of LibraZiK

This page is a compilation of frequently asked questions.

Project FAQ

Why choose Debian GNU/linux as the basis for LibraZiK ?

Debian is used as a basis for LibraZiK thanks to its social contract, its large community, its stability, its robustness, and its performance.

Why not make a simple meta-package for Debian ?

  1. this is partly the case
  2. the LibraZiK project packages some softwares :
    1. in newer version than the one provided by Debian
    2. not being in Debian
  3. the LibraZiK project provides optimizations :
    1. being too specific to audio-production to be integrated in Debian
    2. being too biased to be integrated into Debian

Why does such software have an old version in LibraZiK?

Certainly because no one reported it! LibraZiK contains several hundreds of software dedicated to music. It is difficult, if not impossible, to keep track of everything. If you see a software in an “old” version on LibraZiK when there is a newer version and you think it should be in LibraZiK, come and tell.

Why is this software not present in LibraZiK?

This is certainly because:

  • it does not respect one of the criteria to enter LZK
  • no one reported it
  • there are difficulties in providing it
  • …etc.

In any case, if you have any questions about this, come talk.

System FAQ

Why am I asked for a username and password when I start the machine ?

This is a security principle and LibraZiK sticks to it. Indeed, LibraZiK does not know under which conditions you will use the system. Will it be a family computer shared between several people? A self-service machine in a music school? Your personal laptop? There is no way to know in advance. The choice is therefore made by default to make it as if it were going to be self-service in a music school for example and therefore with the potential to have several users.

If this behavior annoys you and you would prefer to be automatically identified as a user when the machine starts, you can modify the configuration by following this documentation.

Do I need a 64 or 32 bit system?

If your machine is a 64-bit machine, then it is more interesting to use a 64-bit system on it to take advantage of the optimizations of this capacity, such as the ability to manage a large memory capacity. However, you should know that you can use a 32-bit system on a 64-bit machine.

If your machine is a 32-bit machine, then you must use a 32-bit system on it. Using a 64-bit system on this type of machine will not work (you won't even be able to install it).

How do I know if my machine is a 64-bit or 32-bit machine?

There are several possibilities for this:

  • in general : you can consult the manual of your machine.
  • on GNU/Linux (1) : another possibility, very fast, is to use the following command in a terminal: lscpu | grep -i "mode(s)".
  • on, GNU/Linux (2) : you can use, in a terminal, the command: grep flags /proc/cpuinfo. This will give you “flags” that reflect the capabilities of the machine's processor, and therefore, the machine itself:
    • the flag “lm” means “Long Mode CPU” → the processor is able to work in 64 bits
    • the flag “tm” means “Protected mode” → the processor is able to work in 32 bits
    • the flag “rm” means “Real Mode” → the processor is able to work in 16 bits
    • → if you have the “lm” flag, this means that you can use a 64 bits system since your hardware has this capability
  • on Windows © : go to the “General” tab of the “Start” menu and then go to: → Control Panel → System where you will be given information about your processor.

What are the MD5sums of the old live versions?

ISO LZK-3 name corresponding md5sum
librazik3-20201104-fr-amd64.iso a691608b89f03c688a14f7698c6fa4a5
librazik3-20201104-en-amd64.iso c21b8b0803f27afd71e7563daa729991
ISO LZK-2 name corresponding md5sum
librazik2-32bits-20190702.iso 1b0c84cd72cc115dc8755df4ba19152a
librazik2-64bits-20190702.iso 1b4b7a8eccbc0524f113dc729c7fe8fc
librazik2-64bits-20181115.iso ​758459dc0deee34bc8668eb040b117a7
librazik2-32bits-20181115.iso ​928f87a729b1558a3369d17edef473d2
librazik2-64bits-20180120.iso 89c625386a72e9695bb24e9834e5e5ba
librazik2-32bits-20180120.iso 9a433353109ae972888673f3c9c2089d
librazik2-64bits-20171028.iso d0e09935073b15476fcfa3aa5de2a00d
librazik2-32bits-20171028.iso 82fbec18d07408e50376ba06df8ca64b
ISO LZK-1 name corresponding md5sum
librazik-64bits-20160703.iso e851a434236ba4453cf228cdc650116a
librazik-32bits-20160703.iso 255d5f0ed32b22117cf766598b760fcf
librazik-64bits-20160429.iso dfb5e27ab48c6e77aae00c12bd8f4350
librazik-32bits-20160429.iso f3d3fe318e47fc127e6c8f5e6b89e7d4
librazik-20160208.iso bdf5918cdb048999617104a73d9b04fc
librazik-20160107.iso 2ac4c4b15915e978f62e8190ab627edd
librazik-20151231.iso f431af761ce9defc1a2317b0f6858cdb
librazik-20151207.iso ecb7c0b70dd7670240963f7d0e6383db
librazik-20151124.iso 6f3ce36e017ecdf27098d1defe7dd217
librazik-20151104.iso 3c90b626001f1cb6981993142673f00d
librazik-20150912-0019-2.iso 8829b140fcbe0d4893ee0396a2d3370c

Desktop Environment FAQ

Can I use LibraZiK in a desktop environment other than MATE?

MATE is the default desktop environment of choice for LibraZiK. It was chosen because it is a good compromise between lightness, performance, stability, engineering intelligence and ergonomics. It is a good choice, and it is very strongly recommended to keep it.

If you wanted to use LibraZiK with another desktop environment, be aware that not everything might work, like the menu layout. The LibraZiK documentation is based on this layout in MATE, so you will have to intellectually adapt the LibraZiK documentation. Finally, it is advised not to remove what concerns MATE because this could remove several functionalities of LibraZiK which depend on it.

Before leaving you, don't forget that if you tinker with your LibraZiK, you must assume what you do, “you have been warned!” 8-)

I have no sound in my web browser or in my music player at startup

PulseAudio may not launch at startup. Don't worry.

In such a case :

  1. go to: LZK menu → System → Preferences → Personal → Startup applications
  2. then, in the Programs at startup tab, select the PulseAudio sound system line,
  3. then click on the Modify button,
  4. in the line Command, replace start-pulseaudio-x11 by pulseaudio --start,
  5. click on Save,
  6. click on the Close button.

At the next startup, PulseAudio will be launched automatically.

Computer-Assisted Music FAQ

Latency for real-time play

It is commonly accepted that below 20ms, a musician can start playing “in real time” effectively without being bothered with an echo effect. However, it is only below 10ms that this does not really affect the musician's playing and therefore allows him to be comfortable. 8-) Some audio interfaces can allow you to go lower in latency, others not. For information about the capabilities of audio interfaces, please refer to the manuals of these interfaces and look on the internet.

Where are Claudia and LADISH?

Claudia and LADISH are dropped in favor of RaySession and NSM. If you have a need for a Claudia session, then using LibraZiK-3 (which exists as a live, or even in live persistent) should be of interest.

en/faq.txt · Last modified: 14/05/2022 19:49 by trebmuh