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LibraZiK-4 manual - Installing LibraZiK-4


LibraZiK-4 installation logo - click to enlarge There are several methods to install your LibraZiK-4 audio studio.

LibraZiK-4 installation methods

Here are different installation methods validated by the LibraZiK team. These installation methods can be done for 64-bit systems or for 32-bit systems.

Whatever type of installation you are going to follow, a good reminder here is to remember to make a backup of all your important stuff.

Method 1 - Complete installation from a Debian (Bullseye):
With a USB key (or a CD, DVD,...) for online installation

Method 2 - Update from a LibraZiK-3 to a LibraZiK-4
Update from a LibraZiK-3 to a LibraZiK-4

Method 3 - Installing LibraZiK-4 using a “live” :
With a LibraZiK-4 live

Regardless of the method used, the resulting system, after installation and configuration, will be the same.

Specific installations

Installation live USB persistante

On Apple Mac machine

Carte graphique nvidia

If you think that another installation method should be included here, please contact the LibraZiK team: contact us.


Possible multi-system start-up problems

On a BIOS machine that contains several systems, if you'd have a problem with not detecting one (or more) system(s), you can try to correct the boot GRUB menu options with the following commands in a terminal:

  • update-grub (as a super-user account): GRUB rescans the various operating systems available on the machine, and then updates its configuration,
  • grub-install /dev/sda 1) (as a super-user account): writes its configuration on the device /dev/sda.

After these two commands, reboot your machine and the LibraZiK-4 boot menu should appear and give you the correct boot options.

If you wouldn't have the LibraZiK-4 start menu, you can try the following in addition to the previous commands:

  • re-install the librazik-theme-grub package
  • restart the machine

And now you should have the LibraZiK-4 start menu.

This should work in the majority of problems cases with the LibraZiK-4 GRUB boot menu. If it doesn't, you're probably in trouble. Sorry. You can help yourself with the RescaTux and Super Grub2 Disk tools.

UEFI and SecureBoot

On some newer computers, BIOS technology has been replaced by a new UEFI technology to configure the boot options of the operating systems. LibraZiK-4 can works with UEFI.

Note: on a machine equipped with this UEFI technology, if you want to achieve multi-booting between LibraZiK-4 and Windows 10 for example, you may need to disable the “SecureBoot” technology in the UEFI configuration.

It has been reported that for some ISO images, problems with autostart on the USB stick could sometimes be solved by changing the BIOS settings in the “UEFI/Legacy” family choices.

Special equipment

Note that there is a documentation effort to install Debian on specific machine models whose documentation can be found here.

replace here /dev/sda with the correct device ID
en/manuel/installer_librazik.txt · Last modified: 22/11/2022 17:47 by trebmuh