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LibraZiK-4 manual - Installing LibraZiK-4 - method 2


LibraZiK-4 installation logo - click to enlarge Here we will see how to upgrade a LibraZiK-3 audio studio to a LibraZiK-4 audio studio.

This upgrade was done from a 32-bit LZK-3 to a 64-bit LZK-4 on an HP ProBook 6570b i3 2.1GHz 8GB RAM laptop connected to the internet with an RJ45 cable.
Note of January 2022 : the update procedure seems to work, but it is still potentially possible that something goes wrong in some cases. It is therefore very strongly advised to take all necessary precautions before following this tutorial (backup,…).

Modify repository indexes

Launch the Synaptic software and go to synaptic menu→ Configuration → Repositories.

LZK-3 -> LZK-4 upgrade: list of repositories for LibraZiK-3 - click to enlarge

Replace here:

  • the “buster” by “bullseye
  • the “pasapas” with “barbeapapas
  • the “PAP” with “BAP
ATTENTION ! The two lines with “security” must also be changed, from : Old LibraZiK-3 security depository - click to enlarge à New LibraZiK-4 security repository - click to enlarge

In the end, you should have these repositories:

LZK-3 -> LZK-4 upgrade: list of repositories for LibraZiK-4 - click to enlarge

Then click on the “Accept” button, then on the “Reload” button in the main Synaptic window. Synaptic will then update the repository indexes. This may take a few minutes.

Prepare the update

Then click on the “All Upgrade” button of Synaptic, then on the “Add to Selection” button.

Finally, click on the “Apply” button.

You will, here, perhaps have the impression that your computer is stuck. Wait several seconds.

Launch the update

Now click on “Apply”.

There, the update is launched, and it will take really quite a while… maybe even hours…

During the update, you may be asked several things.


A summary of important changes will be presented to you. You can read them if you are curious. In any case, you will have to click on the “Close” button to continue the update process.

libc6 configuration

The installation of the libc6 package will ask you whether to restart the services automatically.

LZK-3 -> LZK-4 upgrade: libc6 package configuration - click to enlarge

If you do not know how to choose here, write “yes” to the question: Restart services during package upgrades without asking? [yes/no] and then press the [ENTER] key.

message from Synaptic: duplicates in repositories

It is possible that Synaptic will warn you of the presence of duplicates in the repositories: Duplicate warning - click to enlarge

We can note here that Synaptic is overreacting a bit by saying here that this is an “error” when it doesn't prevent the update from working properly and so you can skip this without fear of anything. It is, after all, only a warning.

However, this message will reappear every time if we don't fix the problem now, so let's do it once and for all.

What happens is that some of the repositories addresses are filled in twice. That's all. As a reminder, these repositories addresses are (to make a long story short) addresses on the Internet where Synaptic will look for lists of installable software.

To do this, you can delete the following files: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/LZK-PAP-users.list. BE CAREFUL to delete ONLY the files with PAP in their names, and not those with BAP.

To remove them, you can use one of the following commands (depending on how you installed your system, you will use “su” or “sudo” to switch to admin account) :

  su -c 'rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/LZK-PAP-users.list'


  sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/LZK-PAP-users.list'

Then close Synaptic, and restart it. You will no longer get the above message.

correction of the Qt graphic theme

Manually delete the ~/.config/qt5ct/qt5ct.conf file, the system will recreate a clean (and compliant!) one the next time it starts.


Reboot: LibraZiK menu → System → Shutdown… then choose “Restart”.

Once the machine is restarted, you will see that the graphic theme is not completely restored. To do this:

  • go to: LZK menu → System → Preferences → Appearance
  • search and choose the “LibraZiK-4” theme
  • click on the button: “Apply background”.
  • close the Appearance Preferences window

Note that the update will not remove the kernels that were installed on your LibraZiK-3 system. So you have to do it manually.

Configurations of your LibraZiK-4 system

To finish installing your LibraZiK-4 audio studio, you will want to add some configurations to your system.

en/manuel/installer_librazik/lzk3verslzk4.txt · Last modified: 15/05/2022 13:56 by trebmuh