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LibraZiK-4 manual - Download, start and test LibraZiK-4 in live


You can try LibraZiK-4 without installing anything on your computer. All you need is a USB key of at least 4 GB.

The following procedure will show you how to create a live USB key for the “LibraZiK-4 audio studio”.There are just a few steps:

  • first, you'll need to get an ISO image of the live version of LibraZiK-4 ;
  • secondly, you'll need to write it to a USB key;
  • then, you can boot it up and try it out.
If the experience convinces you, you can then choose to install LibraZiK-4 for better performance than the live version of LibraZiK-4, which doesn't offer the same performance as a classic hard disk installation. However, this “live” version of LibraZiK-4 allows you to test a lot of things and get an idea before installing.
The use of a LibraZiK live in a virtual machine (a “VM”) is not recommended, as the handling of audio devices, audio and real-time are often far from correct for use in audio production. This could give you a wrong impression in terms of performance.
Writing the ISO image to a DVD is probably also possible (limited to a 4.7GB image).However, booting onto a DVD will cause slowness and give an unpleasant experience that does not represent LibraZiK. Simply because a DVD is not the right medium for an audio production live work. However, if it's just a matter of installing LibraZiK on a hard disk, then it should work fine.

Get an ISO image of the LibraZiK-4 live

The ISO images contain a functional LibraZiK-4 system as well as a wide selection of free and open source software dedicated to music production.

Go to : and download the librazik4-20240101-en-amd64.iso file for a 64bits version in English. Once downloaded, you will be able to check the ISO integrity thanks to its MD5sum Checksum which must be 4d9d31f22c1b232db063714dc92351bf.

Checking under Linux®

Once the ISO image has been downloaded, open a terminal and go to the directory where the downloaded ISO image is located: cd /path/to/folder.

Now use the command (replacing file.iso by the full name of the ISO file downloaded in the previous paragraph): md5sum file.iso, which should return a checksum. You just have to compare it with the checksum given above.

The calculation of this sum with the above-mentioned command can take several tens of seconds or even a few minutes, depending on the capacity of your machine.

ISO writing on a USB key

If your machine supports it, you can write the ISO image to a USB stick and boot from it. Before writing the ISO image to the USB stick, it is advisable to delete and back up the files on it, then format it in “FAT32”.

Writing the ISO on a USB stick can take several minutes and does not display anything on your screen. It may therefore appear that nothing is happening when in fact it is. Be patient, and leave your machine running. If after half an hour, the command remains “stuck”, then it is time to try again, or even to think about trying with another USB key.

Writing on USB key under Linux® (general)

Please be aware that everything on your USB stick will be destroyed - so be sure:
  • the target partition,
  • to have backed up what was on your key.
  1. In a terminal, run the command: watch "sudo dmesg |tail".
  2. Then plug your USB key into your computer, you will see the inscriptions in this terminal change. It is your linux® kernel which is telling you that it is discovering a new peripheral and what it does with it.
  3. Find out where your USB key is located. For example : sdb: sdb1.
  4. Then, in another terminal tab (do: Terminal menu → File → Open a tab ), the magic command to write the ISO on the USB key to make it a bootable USB key is: su -c "cp /path/to/your/file.iso /dev/sdX" with replacing the “X” in /dev/sdX by the letter corresponding to the location of your USB key (in the example above: /dev/sdb)
  5. Once the copy has been made and when the terminal gives you the hand back, run the sync command to make sure that everything is properly written on the key and that there is nothing more being written to the key caches.
  6. Unmount your key cleanly.
  7. Close the terminal window.
  8. Your USB key is ready.
The ISO image should be copied to the entire device, not to one of its partitions.
Example: /dev/sdb and not /dev/sdb1.

Writing on a multi-boot Live USB key

It has been reported (in French) in 2017 that the use of LiveUSB was functional for a LibraZiK-1 Live. This may still be the case, but has not been reconfirmed since.

Writing on USB key under Ubuntu® Linux®

Method 1: General

Same method as above, simply replace the command:
su -c "cp /path/to/file.iso /dev/sdX"
by :
sudo bash -c "cp /path/to/file.iso /dev/sdX"
or, if this one doesn't work:
sudo dd if=/path/to/file.iso of=/dev/sdX

Method 2: usb-creator-gtk

It has been reported by a user (Didier - thank you!) that with the “Ubuntu 16.04 Mate Alpha” version, the use of the “Ubuntu usb key creator” 1) made it possible to create a key.

Method 3: Use of unetbootin

It has been reported by the same user (Didier - thank you again!) that: “after downloading, I created a Live Usb key with Unetbootin and then launched it on a computer type i7-2600”. So it seems to work as well. That said, there may be some problems: bug 775689 at Debian. See also this tutorial.

Method 4: Using mkusb

It was reported by a user (Louis - thank you!) that it was also possible to create a USB stick bootable under Ubuntu with mkusb (see also this explanation).

Writing on a USB key under Windows®

There are several possibilities. Five of them are proposed below.

Possibilities tested and approved with LibraZiK-3:

  1. A solution is the use of Rufus (confirmed by N-i-c-o on IRC with Rufus 3.12 with a LibraZiK-3 - that probably still work))

Possibilities tested and approved (with the old LibraZiK-2 version):

  1. One solution is to use Linux Live USB creator. 2)
  2. The utility win32diskimager works for that. A tutorial is here. Please note that you will need to put *.* instead of *.img when searching for a file.

Possibilities not yet tested/approved :

Please note that so far LibraZiK has not had any feedback about the following different methods so if you try one and it works, please come and let us know by contacting us.
  1. Yet another solution is to use unetbootin for Windows. See also this tutorial.
  2. A last one is: USB-Writer. See also this tutorial.

Writing on USB key under MacOSX®

Please note that so far LibraZiK-4 has not had any feedback about the following method. So if you try it and it works, please come and let us know by contacting us.

See here.

Start on, and try LibraZiK-4

From there, you will be able to try LibraZiK-4 without installing anything on your hard disk for the moment. To do this, simply plug the USB key into one of the computer USB ports and then start the machine. Of course, your computer must be hardware capable of booting on a USB 3).

Sur certains ordinateurs, il faut configurer la possibilité de démarrer sur la clef USB dans le BIOS. 4).

After this step, you will arrive on another step : LibraZiK-4 : first startup screen

Here you will choose “Live (amd64)” by selecting it with the keyboard arrows and then pressing Enter.

Vous patienterez alors un petit peu et vous arriverez sur le bureau du live de LibraZiK-4. Y sont préinstallés une grande sélection parmi les logiciels de MAO supportés par LibraZiK-4.

You will then wait a little while and you will arrive on the LibraZiK-4 live desktop. A large selection of LibraZiK-4 supported audio production software is pre-installed.

To access it, go to the top menu → Applications → Sound and video → ….

Notes concerning the use of LibraZiK-4 in "live" mode

You can install software from the repositories. However, if you launch an installation from the same live session, the software that you manually installed in the live session will not be hard installed. You will have to install them again, once you have restarted on your hard disk installation.

In case you need it, the login/password of the “live” is: user/live.

Also note that in “live” mode, sudo is used to access super user functions.

In the case of some poorly-made or end-of-life USB sticks, using a live device can be very slow.
also known as usb-creator-gtk
tested and approved as functional here: forumthread70860 - in French
you can check this in your machine's documentation
La configuration du BIOS étant généralement accessible en pressant une touche du clavier comme par exemple : F2, F12, Suppr ou encore Échap lors du démarrage de la machine. Puisque ceci dépend très fortement de votre machine, il est impossible de lister ici exactement quelle commande utiliser pour entrer dans le BIOS pour chaque machine. Veuillez pour cela consulter le manuel de votre ordinateur et noter également que la touche à presser est souvent mentionnée sur l'écran lors des toutes premières secondes du démarrage de l'ordinateur
en/manuel/telecharger_demarrer_et_tester_librazik_en_live.txt · Last modified: 01/01/2024 20:45 by trebmuh