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LibraZiK : website news

Hello LibraZiK-ies.

Since the last news of November, a little more than a fortnight ago, work has continued on LibraZiK. In particular, concerning the website which has seen several improvements.

Let's take the time of a post here to see this together.

splash.png, mai 2020

bandeau-menu.png, déc. 2020

First thing, you could see that the black banner at the top of the site (aka "the menu") had changed. The "GUILDE" link has become "CONTACT" which is more usual for everyone (whether in English or French), the menu has been added on the "BOGUE" part of the site, which makes it a little more prominent knowing that a link has also been added in the menu for it, all this brings consistency to the different parts of the site. Integration as it is sometimes called. Another link has been added to the menu, the "DEMOS" page, which we will explain in more detail in the next paragraph. Note that you may need to refresh your browser's cache (Ctrl + F5, or Alt + Ctrl + R).

demos.png, déc. 2020

The "DEMOS" page has arrived. It's something that has been in the works for a long time, and it's finally here. It is a "showcase" page for musics that have been made with LibraZiK. The idea was to take several tracks of different styles and several LibraZiK users have enthusiastically accepted this idea. Many thanks to them! So you can go and feast your ears on this new page which will grow with time and you are invited to send your proposals of music tracks if you wish to appear on this page.

pieddepage.png, déc. 2020

The footer, which previously contained only one link to the "LICENCE" page, now contains several links. More specifically, the changes are :

Also note that this footer has been added to all parts of the site (documentation, blog, and bugs), which adds consistency and integration here too.

carrousel.png, déc. 2020

Finally, a number of other diverse and varied things also happened. For example, the pages info in English, donations, LibraZiK-1, and explanations about the BOGUE part of the site have been updated. We can also note that the "flyspray" task-tracking software used by LibraZiK has been carefully reconfigured to make it even easier for English speakers to use. Remember that, as a user, you can write your messages in English or French there. More generally, a number of small things have changed on the display side of the site's static pages, such as the font used. Finally, the most obvious change, a carousel has been set up on the home page!

Other things are to come, but that will be for later because I will have to investigate in new technology, and do some tests.

It should be noted that several things (including the carousel and the demo page) were initiated during the work time financed by the Jardin Moderne. Thanks to them, especially to Simon (the project coordinator on the Jardin Moderne side), and to Elisa who had been contracted during this project to work alongside me on these advances.

In the meantime, good browsing to you !

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