LibraZiK news - November 2020
Par Olivier Humbert le samedi, 28 novembre, 2020, 10h00 - Lien permanent
Hello LibraZiK-ies.
That's it, here the air stings severely in the mornings and we've gone negative during the night now. From memory, this is what we call winter. Winter also is lovely. Let's bet we'll get some nice frosts to calm down the itchy caterpillars because the itchy and scratchy spring ends are starting to bother me! In the meantime, feel free to play icy like Siberia things or warmy like the Sahara things, and if you want to be free, you might as well use free tools too!
And as if by magic, LibraZiK-3 is there for that and here are last month's news.
One month after the
last monthly blog post, what has happened in LibraZiK-3 since then? There
was the
announcement about the new little software which displays tips at
LibraZiK-3 start, then the announcement
about the availability of a LibraZiK-3 live ISO which allows us to make a
USB key on which we can boot to test LibraZiK-3 without installing anything on
the hard disk at first, and which allows it if we want to later. In short, two
novelties that have been on the fire for several months and that have taken up
most of my available time this month. So much so that I didn't do anything of
what I had planned last month. May God forgive me! That said, there have been a
number of things.
Software updates:
- new version 3.6.1 for Jamulus
- new 4.19.0-12 series of kernel, with low-latency (BL) and real-time (RT) declinations available in 32 and 64 bits - thanks to Nicolas "sub26nico" and Erwan "r1" for test assistance
- new version 0.9.19 for DrumGizmo
- new version 2.1.2 for HybridReverb2 - thanks to Jean-Pierre "jpcima" for the maintenance of this convolution reverberation
- new version 14 for Jack-Mixer
- new version 2.5.0 for Geonkick - thanks to Arnaud "arnaudj" for making test reports
- new version 1.9 for Mamba
- new version 0.0.0+20201105 for MPK-M2-editor - thanks Erwan "r1" for the testing
- new version 0.96.8 for Sequencer64 - thanks to Nicolas "sub26nico", Matthieu "houston4444", Erwan "r1", and Arnaud "arnaudj" for test help
- new version 2.1 for MicroDude - thanks Erwan "r1" for testing
- new version 0.10.0 for RaySession - thanks Mathieu "houston4444" for the continuous development of this great audio/MIDI session manager
Documentation: several French pages have been improved such as
the pages for VAMP, OSC, Geonkick, Ardour6, Calf-plugins, Non-sequencer,
SooperLooper, and a bunch of typos or small fixes across the whole doc. Special
thanks to Nicolas "N-i-c-o" for tracking down ugly typos as well as for the
constant proofreading.
Translations into French reported upstream (and thus available
to all other users of those software, not only those of LibraZiK):
- updated graphical user interfaces translation for MicroDude, Mamba, mpk-m2-editor, LSP-plugins, Jamulus, DrumGizmo, and Qloud
- translation update for the graphical interface and the website of zrythm
- translation updates for Weblate and LiberaPay websites
- update of phpmyadmin's translation
Web : Quite a lot of changes on the side of Dotclear (the
engine that supports the site's blog) with an update that was done in 2 clicks.
Awesome! The bad tongues that say that free software are not easy to use can
swallow their saliva once again here! I also added and configured a Dotclear
plugin called "Rosetta" (probably a reference to the Rosetta Stone), which
allows a better management of multi-language posts: if your browser looks like
a French language browser, then the French version of a post will be displayed.
Otherwise, it will be the English version of the post that will be displayed.
Note that when you are on the page of a post, a small menu allows you to switch
between the different languages offered. I have also corrected a small problem
in the Dotclear's configuration which has no impact on the user side - big
thanks to franckpaul and pinkilla from Dotclear for the help!
Miscellaneous :
- a patch sent to odin2
- contributions to mpk-m2-editor
- a very small contribution to the packaging of Simple Screen Recorder
For the coming month, I'm not planning anything special about what I'm going to
work on, so no matter what I do, I won't be lying! On a more serious note,
December is a busy month and I don't know how it will go for me. Maybe I'll
publish the next monthly post (like this one) earlier in the month so it
doesn't conflict with the holiday season. I have some things in mind regarding
the website and I will probably try to do some of the things that I had planned
to do for this month. "Time will tell" as the saying goes! There are also
currently more than 60 new software and some updates in LibraZiK-3 that are
waiting to be tested before officially entering the user repositories. Maybe
I'll take a look to test some of them. This is something anyone can do and help
is welcome.
This monthly report post is coming to an end and I would like to warmly thank
the people who are helping to test and pushing the project forward: Nicolas
"sub26nico", Matthieu "houston4444", Erwan "r1", Arnaud "arnaudj", Jean-Pierre
"jpcima" and also Nicolas "N-i-c-o". You are great! #donotchange #stayasyouare
To all users, keep in mind that your financial support to the project (through
donation) is more than
useful and that a small contribution is better than no contribution at all.
Free software does not make itself, if you use it, finance it!
Hoping that LibraZiK will help you to make beautiful music.
See you soon,