Hello LibraZiKies!
A quick blog post about the problem of inaccessible repositories for the last 3 weeks.
The rest is below, so enjoy your Sunday reading!
dimanche, 19 janvier, 2025
Par Olivier Humbert le dimanche, 19 janvier, 2025, 14h21
Hello LibraZiKies!
A quick blog post about the problem of inaccessible repositories for the last 3 weeks.
The rest is below, so enjoy your Sunday reading!
dimanche, 22 septembre, 2024
Par Olivier Humbert le dimanche, 22 septembre, 2024, 10h01
Hello LibraZiK-ies.
It's time to take stock of what's been new in LibraZiK over the last 7 months. If you've been following the Mastodon account for the project, you've been able to keep up with them as they've come in, and here they are below in summary form (software updates, new software, miscellaneous information...).
mercredi, 10 janvier, 2024
Par Olivier Humbert le mercredi, 10 janvier, 2024, 10h01
Dear LibraZiKies, Santa Claus has put a live image for LibraZiK-4 under the
Christmas tree. This live image allows you to start LibraZiK-4 from a USB stick
on computers that support this feature, so you can walk around with a
LibraZiK-4 in a USB stick, test LibraZiK-4 without installing it on a hard
disk, and also install it on a machine from this USB stick.
mercredi, 13 décembre, 2023
Par Olivier Humbert le mercredi, 13 décembre, 2023, 10h01
Hi LibraZiK-ies.
It snowed here a few days ago. A new winter is coming. As always, it promises that spring will follow. And it's paving the way for a few weeks or months of slower activity, which should make it possible to make more music. If you've been following the project Mastodon account, you've been able to see what's new in LibraZiK as it happens, and here's a summary of what's been new over the last six months (software updates, new software, miscellaneous information...).
jeudi, 25 mai, 2023
Par Olivier Humbert le jeudi, 25 mai, 2023, 10h01
Hi LibraZiK-ies.
My memories of Foreign Language 4 "birds" are making me think that with spring upon us, they are wondering what's new on the LibraZiK-4 side since the last blog post about it in January 2023. If they had done what you did and followed the project's Mastodon account, they would already know! But since they have a lot of excuses like "gnagnagna, I was migrating to the other side of the planet... or "cuicuicui, hibernation didn't leave me much time so I made them a summary of the actions of these last four months (software updates, new software, bug fixes, documentation writing, etc...). So here it is below and even humans can read it!
jeudi, 26 janvier, 2023
Par Olivier Humbert le jeudi, 26 janvier, 2023, 10h01
Hello LibraZiK-os.
LibraZiK-4 was released on Monday, May 9, 2022. Those of you who follow the Mastodon account of the project know that a lot of things happened since then (software updates, new software, bug fixes, documentation writing, etc...) and it's probably time to make a summary of it all. So here it is below.
lundi, 9 mai, 2022
Par Olivier Humbert le lundi, 9 mai, 2022, 10h01
Dear LibraZiK-ies,
With the coming of spring, I am very happy to announce the arrival of the
new LibraZiK-4!
LibraZiK-4 is now available for all users (note:
French-speaking or not), for amd64 (64 bits PC architecture) and i386 (32 bits
PC architecture).
Not much blabla in this header, let's go to the main news below...
mercredi, 27 avril, 2022
Par Olivier Humbert le mercredi, 27 avril, 2022, 10h00
mercredi, 8 septembre, 2021
Par Olivier Humbert le mercredi, 8 septembre, 2021, 09h05
Hi LibraZiK-ies.
No new blog post since March the 30th. The main reason for this is that I took a new job (not much to do with computers, free software, linux, or even computer aided music) and that leaves me less time. Those of you who follow the project closely knew that I was still working on things and updating some important parts of LibraZiK-3 when needed. Below is a summary of the things that have been happening on the project over the last 5 months.
mardi, 30 mars, 2021
Par Olivier Humbert le mardi, 30 mars, 2021, 10h00
Hello LibraZiK-ies.
No post last month because it was a bad calendar since I was working away from home. So we go back to the January monthly report post, in which I had planned to finalize several updates and specifically work on making it easier to use LibraZiK with KDE (another desktop environment than MATE recommended/provided by default). The planned updates have been done, as well as others not initially planned, and a new set of plugins has arrived in LibraZiK.