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mercredi, 10 janvier, 2024

LibraZiK-4 live

Dear LibraZiKies, Santa Claus has put a live image for LibraZiK-4 under the Christmas tree. This live image allows you to start LibraZiK-4 from a USB stick on computers that support this feature, so you can walk around with a LibraZiK-4 in a USB stick, test LibraZiK-4 without installing it on a hard disk, and also install it on a machine from this USB stick.

LibraZiK-4 LIVE documentation

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mercredi, 13 décembre, 2023

LibraZiK news - December 2023

Hi LibraZiK-ies.

It snowed here a few days ago. A new winter is coming. As always, it promises that spring will follow. And it's paving the way for a few weeks or months of slower activity, which should make it possible to make more music. If you've been following the project Mastodon account, you've been able to see what's new in LibraZiK as it happens, and here's a summary of what's been new over the last six months (software updates, new software, miscellaneous information...).


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jeudi, 25 mai, 2023

LibraZiK news - May 2023

Hi LibraZiK-ies.

My memories of Foreign Language 4 "birds" are making me think that with spring upon us, they are wondering what's new on the LibraZiK-4 side since the last blog post about it in January 2023. If they had done what you did and followed the project's Mastodon account, they would already know! But since they have a lot of excuses like "gnagnagna, I was migrating to the other side of the planet... or "cuicuicui, hibernation didn't leave me much time so I made them a summary of the actions of these last four months (software updates, new software, bug fixes, documentation writing, etc...). So here it is below and even humans can read it!


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vendredi, 22 janvier, 2021

LibraZiK news - January 2021

Hello LibraZiK-ies.

When I wrote last month's monthly report post, I had planned to finalize the entry as well as updates of several software and plug-ins designed for guitarists. It's done now and we'll see it in more details in this post.

splash.png, may 2020

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lundi, 28 décembre, 2020

LibraZiK news - December 2020

Hello LibraZiK-ies.

Since last month's monthly report post, things have been happening, of which the news on the website represent the majority of the work that has been done for LibraZiK during this month. That said, other things have also happened, and we'll see this together in this post.

splash.png, may 2020

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samedi, 21 novembre, 2020

LibraZiK-3 live

A live-image is available now. It allows, at first, to test LibraZiK-3 on a USB key without installing it on a hard disk.

You can then use it to install LibraZiK-3 on a hard disk if you decide to do so.

LibraZiK-3 LIVE documentation

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vendredi, 17 juillet, 2020

Nouveautés LibraZiK - Juillet 2020 / LibraZiK news - July 2020

Voici les nouvelles du développement de LibraZiK-3 durant le mois passé depuis le dernier billet de mi-juin 2020.

Here are the news of the development of LibraZiK-3 during the last month since the last post of mid-June 2020.

splash.png, mai 2020

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lundi, 15 juin, 2020

Nouveautés LibraZiK - Juin 2020 / LibraZiK news - June 2020

Bonjour à tous les LibraZiKos. Voici maintenant un mois que LibraZiK-3 est sortie et voici un billet résumant les nouveautés.

Hello to all LibraZiKos. It's been one month since LibraZiK-3 was released and here is a post summarizing the news.

splash.png, mai 2020

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mardi, 10 septembre, 2019

Nouveautés LibraZiK pour les semaines 33 à 36 de 2019

Salut Les ZiKos,

Voici les nouveautés dans LibraZiK-2 pour les trois dernières semaines. Au programme : six nouveaux logiciels qui entrent dans LibraZiK-2, huit logiciels mis à jour, un nouveau super tutoriel, des traductions, une brouette de nouveaux logiciels et de nouvelles versions de logiciels en phase de test, des contributions à Debian, et d'autres choses encore.

Voyons ça plus précisément dans la suite de ce billet.

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dimanche, 5 mai, 2019

Nouveautés LibraZiK pour les semaines 14 à 18 de 2019

Salut Les ZiKos,

Voici les nouveautés dans LibraZiK-2 pour les semaines 14 à 18 de 2019. Ça faisait plusieurs semaines qu'il n'y avait pas eu de mise à jour de LibraZiK-2 (dû à du boulot de mon côté), alors voici une grosse mise à jour contenant plusieurs dizaines de mises à jour de logiciels. Il y a encore quelques dizaines de mises à jour ainsi que des nouveaux logiciels en attente d'être testés, alors si vous voulez aider à ce que le boulot avance plus vite, venez rejoindre l'équipe de testeurs (voir la page "GUILDE") !

Voyons tout cela en détails dans la suite de ce billet de blogue.

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